Tag Archive: my everyday life

Where I’m at right now

Hey people! If you’re reading this right now then one of two things have happened: 1.) You were bored or 2.) You actually want to know what’s going on in my life right. Well, either way you’re reading so let’s get started.  College will be starting on August 20th. I still to finish signing up for some classes and a few other things, but I’m pretty much set. I’ll be blogging about my life in college so please check that out. 🙂 As for my plans for this summer I’ll be attending mission fuge again this year. I’ll be blogging about that too. (I’m going to go more into detail about mission fuge in a later post so watch put for that.) But, other than that I’m really not doing anything. This hopefully will give me time to write more poem and work on my mission fuge scrapbook. Well, that’s all that’s going on at the moment. I’ll post more blogs soon and I hope ya’ll read them. please like and leave a comment. Later!

Mission Fuge part one

Hi! everyone. How are ya’ll? I’m fine just dealing with some family problems lately and got I got to think about some stuff I did last year that I shouldn’t have, but any way like the title of today’s posts says I’m going to be talking about Mission Fuge. Yes, I will being going to Mission Fuge this year with the youth group I’m in and we’ll be heading to South Caroline. This is going to be an interseting, but kind of scary because I’ve only been out of state once in my life and I was to young to even remember what happened.( I was two at the time) But yea like it says in the title this is part one and hopefully if I dont forget I’ll do a part two at later date. I guess thats about it for this post so please leave a comment and tell me what you think about my posts or if you went on a mission fuge before tell me how was it.
